My mission on this Earth is to guide others move + shift their energy, with ease.
Hi, I’m Patsi.
My background and passion are in holistic health + wellness. I am here to guide + support you on your own healing journey.
This became very clear 16 years ago when I became pregnant with my first child. Being responsible for someone other than myself really opened my eyes. I quickly became passionate about non-toxic + organic products + food. I up-leveled my training 13 years ago when my aunt passed away from lung cancer. My passion was fueled by her death. I was on a mission lead the healthiest life I could, because I want to be here for a really long time! I want to know my great-great grand kids (heck, maybe even more!) I don’t want to just live that long… I want to THRIVE that long!
I am a homeschooling mama, Certified Health Coach with IIN, Shamanic Reiki Master, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, EFT Practitioner, Trained in NLP, Hypnosis, Hypnobreathwork, Violet Flame Healings, Crystal Healing, + Sound Healing (and many other modalities as I am always learning + growing).
If you know me, you know how passionate I am about all things spiritual + wellness related. This passion has been fueled even further by the passing of both of my parents (to cancer) within 18 months of one another. I am very passionate about alternative cancer modalities.
I have felt the waves of grief. I have been through the depression. (I also lost my uncle, brother, and a few animals within the same time frame as my parents) I have learned how to keep going, even when I didn’t think I could. I believe I have experienced all of this to show others how I’ve done it and how they can too, with more ease. For the caretakers, for the ones in it, and for the ones left behind.
My purpose here on this Earth is to teach people how to heal themselves. We came here to enjoy this life, not to suffer. We came here to be healthy, happy, abundant, + prosperous. Let me show you how…
Crystals are my passion.
Let’s begin your healing journey together.
HypnoBreathwork® is a cutting edge method using breathwork to clear energetic patterns, hypnosis to reprogram subconscious beliefs, and visioning to fire new neural pathways for sustainable behavior change.
Kundalini Yoga
This ancient practice of yoga combines chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses to raise your vibrational energy.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
Also known as “tapping” is a mind-body therapy that uses the meridians of the body to calm and remove stored energies and emotions within the body.
Sound Healing
Using the vibration of sound to gently reset the nervous system.